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class ThreadSafeStore<State>(val store: Store<State>) : SynchronizedObject, TypedStore<State, Any>

Threadsafe wrapper for ReduxKotlin store that synchronizes access to each function using kotlinx.AtomicFu [] Allows all store functions to be accessed from any thread. This does have a performance impact for JVM/Native. TODO more info at


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Converts a given Store to a ThreadSafeStore.

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fun <State> createThreadSafeStore(reducer: Reducer<State>, preloadedState: State, enhancer: StoreEnhancer<State>? = null): Store<State>

Creates a SYNCHRONIZED, THREADSAFE Redux store that holds the state tree. The only way to change the data in the store is to call dispatch() on it.

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Creates a store enhancer that wraps a Redux store in a synchronization object, causing access to store methods to be synchronized.

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inline fun <State, Action : Any> createTypedThreadSafeStore(crossinline reducer: TypedReducer<State, Action>, preloadedState: State, noinline enhancer: StoreEnhancer<State>? = null): TypedStore<State, Action>

Creates a thread-safe TypedStore. For further details see the matching createThreadSafeStore.